avenged fucking sevenfold.
get into it.
if you didn't care before, you will now.
and if you cared before, you better get an extra set of knickers ready.
that good.
trouble loves me
hugelyyyyy into moz right now.
i'm having one of those months where every word of every lyric of every song he sings / writes can be compared to me and/or my life. it's strange when you feel that way... but it's also wonderful.
i'm missing a lot of people right now. that's pretty much the only update i got.
speaking of morrissey and updates, i have recently spoken with dan smith via myspace and he told me he was going to be working in toronto from december 16th to the 27th ... perhaps he will give me and meg our matching tattoos? i'm not sure, but i figure we have about a month to decide. i'm sure once it hits wind that he'll be in town he will get booked pretty quick. so i would like to let him know as soon as possible. maybe that will be the perfect christmas gift? i think it would be nice especially since i know in about a year we will probably be in different states and soon after perhaps different countries so it would be great to look down somewhere and have something that reminds me of the bond my sister and i share no matter where we physically are. i'm a sap i guess.
oh and, i gave myself bangs haha
[and yes, thats quite possibility the lamest update ever. apologies to all.]