
and with you, this is my life.

I'm losing sight
Don't count on me
I chase the sun
It chases me

You know my name
You know my face
You'd know my heart
If you knew my place
I'll walk straight down
As far as I can go

I'll follow you if you follow me
I don't know why you lie so clean
I'll break right through the irony

Enlighten me
Reveal my fate
Just cut these strings
That hold me safe

You know my heart
You know my gaze
You'd know my heart
If you knew your place
I'll walk straight down
As far as I can go

Cure this wait
I hate this wait



Is what I am. Toronto is beyond lovely. Even the early-spring snow, wind & rain couldn't hamper my growing enthusiasm for that fine city. I hope to go back as often as possible, to explore and experience as much as I can, though at a warmer, greener time of year. Eventually moving there when I can save enough and once I'm satisfied with my level of education in NY.

It's cliche and predictable but in my experiences it's true -- Canadians are, by and large, much nicer, calmer and more civilized than Americans. Yeah, there are assholes in every country, but as far as I can see, the asshole ratio is much higher here than up there. Every time and everywhere we go, people were relaxed, open, generous. The subway is clean and efficient, the meals we have are as good if not better than any I've had in New York; Chinatown is like Chinatown in NYC (same smells, sights and sounds -- tiny appliance/gift shops squeezed between fish markets and noodle eateries), the student/artist/bohemian neighborhoods are lived-in, worn, tattered, though not as dangerous as the Lower East Side. There's no sense of menace or fear. Smiles are common. People are polite to a fault.

Now, I'm being a bit romantic here. But not by much. And the difference between Them and Us is amplified the second we re-entered the US. We always have a gruff border guard, looking like he's dressed in SWAT attire, mirror shades, loudly barking, "WHAT WERE YOU DOING IN CANADA?!" Usually makes a disgusted face and nodded us through. Although I will never forget the time me & Meg were pulled over, had her car searched, scared out of our fuckin minds while being completely innocent of anything they were thinking. And the bastards sent us through at about 3am without an apology for searching us for no good reason. Thanks NY. Love you too.
God Bless America, right?!

Anyhow, I spent most of last night just looking at photos of my favorite city. Most of which came at Winter time via Flickr and Google. Here are some of my favorites: