
tell the promoter

we need Morrisseys, we just sold out all the floor seats.
lovin Estelle's song "American Boy" ft. Kanye. she's been around awhile and am really surprised that she hasn't hit it big in the US before now, but that's ok. we all get out 15 minutes eventually. or so they say.

i think i'm getting sick and getting my period. double dose of misery. but i'm in a good mood. lot of things on my mind lately however: my one american boy, english boy, old canadian boy; TD&D telling me they appreciate my site; making banners for that site; what else i should be doing; due dates; how i'm eating; considering bikini waxes; wearing swimsuits in the most superficial state in the country; having three zits on my face; being in desperate need of a dye job; needing desperate need of a haircut but it not being long enough; working my abs more; not working my abs enough; seeing the used - or not seeing them if its sold out; my dog needing a bath; my bed being made only on weekends; needing new curtains; wanting new shoes and to see a shitload of movies that are out on video, at the theater or coming out; and thinking about when spring break is.

just a lot of thoughts... not necessarily worries yet. oh well, such as a woman's life right?

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