
there are faces i'll remember all my life

it's a really weird thing to miss faces... it could be very superficial; doesn't mean you know all the people behind them. maybe you just miss a smile, or a frown, their eye color, or a look - or maybe you've gotten close enough to recall their hugs, laugh or smell. it's funny how such small, meaningless things can be associated with their face.
i miss all of their faces. some of them i "know". some of them i've never met. but i have seen all of them in person at least once and i even have reoccurring dreams about some of them. i keep getting that Beatles song stuck in my head when i think about them -- their faces or their names. there must be a reason for that.

or maybe i just want there to be one... sometimes the hardest thing to figure out is your own damn mind; why people are the way they are; and why you can't help yourself but to love them [whether it be for good or bad].
i miss you all.